These ribs are about 8 inches long and slightly curved. They come from right next to the Prime rib and Ribeye.
Prime rib is one of the most expensive cuts that there is, so butchers like to take as much of the meat off the ribs as they can and use it as part of the roast. And that means the bulk of the meat on these is between the ribs, not on top of them.
But – as you'd expect with Prime rib – the meat that you get is good and comparatively tender.
And because there's less (but more flavoursome) meat on these ribs they cook a bit quicker than some of the meatier rib cuts.
There are two ways to cook Back ribs: oven roast or – because they're rich in marrow – braised or in stews.
Cooking Tips
Well marbled with a rich, beefy flavour
Use wet or moist heat – cook to Well-done. Or grill