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We connect you to regenerative farms – to ensure you avoid the industrial ‘meat system’

We’re a small company that began in 2015 by helping families, friends and neighbours save money with meat boxes to share.

But – and it’s a big but – the meat came from wholesalers.

Business was good. And yet the more we became part of the industrial “meat system”, the more disheartened we became. Quite simply, the discoveries we were making about intensive animal farming left us feeling uneasy.

It all changed when we heard a podcast about regenerative agriculture. Next thing, we were standing in a muddy field near Ross on Wye. And what we learned that day transformed our business. It’s where our real journey began.

There’s no mystery about regenerative agriculture. It’s practised by small, specialist farmers. People who are passionate about their environment and their animals.

It was the solution we’d been looking for.

What we really wanted to do was connect people directly to farmers rather than the traditional food chain, and deliver ethically produced, environmentally sustainable meat of the highest quality. “It’s not a principle until it costs you something” Bill Bernbach

Yes, it would cost us some of our customers. But in the long run, we knew we were doing the right thing.

And if, like us, you prefer to know how your food is produced... where your food is produced... and by whom, then welcome to Freybors.

We have now fully pivoted from our original “group buying” business philosophy because we recognise meat should be about quality, not quantity.

So that when you do eat it, it’s got to be special. And regeneratively farmed meat is just that. Better still, it’s got a feather-light touch on the environment. Which makes it a far more sustainable way to farm.

Do you need a gold card to shop with Freybors? Absolutely not! Like everyone else, we understand budgets and the alarming cost of living.

We work hard to make yours stretch as far as it can. But we’ll never – ever –compromise on quality. Or our responsibilities.

Healthy meat you needn’t feel guilty about

Our values are probably shared. We know mass meat production relies on fossil fuels and high-grain feeds. Which might be good for someone’s bottom line – but at the expense of the animals and the environment.

By contrast, meat farmed the regenerative way is all about animal welfare, sustainability, biodiversity, soil health and the drive towards carbon neutrality.

So when you order from Freybors, you’re getting meat you can’t buy in supermarkets. Or even most butchers shops.

Our meat is more than just sustainable. It’s healthy too, with a cleaner, more natural taste. It’s also higher in many nutrients and lower in unhealthy fats.

And it tastes great!