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Sirloin roast – boned & rolled

Easy to cook. Easy to slice



100% Grass fed 28 Day dry-aged Regenerative


Essentially, a very large Sirloin steak boned, rolled and ready to roast. So it’s easy to cook and to slice.

Sirloin’s the same cut that a T-bone steak is made from. Which means it’s got stacks of flavour and a characteristic chew – without being tough.

Three things are important for a prime roast, flavour, texture and fat. Sirloin’s got just the right amount of each. More flavoursome than fillet... more tender than Rump and less fatty than a Fore rib roast.

In short, tender, lean meat, with just the right covering of fat to keep it juicy. It’s also one of the leanest cuts of beef available – so if you’re on a low-fat diet this is one to stick on your list.


Calories: 217 Total fat: 15.5g Saturated fat: 6.6g Protein: 19.2g Salt: 99mg


Tender, with a fine texture and marbling





Best with dry heat. Cook from Rare to Well-done

Dry Roast

Oven To Pan

Where this cut comes from