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Topside roast

Think pub Sunday lunch and Yorkshire puddings



100% Grass fed 28 Day dry-aged Regenerative


Topside is one of the leanest, most fat-free, cuts of beef you can get. 

So it's great if you're on a health kick and watching out for saturated fat. And, even if you're not, it still makes for a good, hearty, no-nonsense roast.

If you go to a carvery – or a pub Sunday roast – it'll almost certainly be Topside you see on the counter. A large, even and uniform roast with no chewy bits. As for flavour, it's similar to Rump (it's neighbour) but not quite as tender.  

The best way to cook Topside is to roast it in the oven low and slow. Roasted to Rare or Medium-rare, then thinly sliced… it's delicious. 

And leftovers work well in sandwiches too.

The very worst thing you can do to Topside – in any form – is to overcook it. Do that and it'll shrink and squeeze all the juices out. You'll end up with a dry, chewy, mess.

But do it right and it's as good as good can be.


Calories: 146 Total fat: 6.7g Saturated fat: 2.5g Protein: 21.8g Salt: 74mg


Moderately tender, with a medium texture





Use dry heat. Cook from Medium-rare to Medium

Dry Roast

Oven To Pan

Slow Cooker

Sous Vide

Where this cut comes from