Topside is super lean. In fact, it's one of the leanest cuts of beef you can get.
In the flavour department, it tastes more like Rump (it's neighbour) than anything else. The texture's quite similar too... close grained and uniform with almost no marbling. But it’s not quite as tender as Rump
As with all lean steaks this one benefits from a few bangs with a meat hammer to loosen it up a bit.
The very worst thing you can do to Topside – in any form – is to overcook it. Do that and it'll shrink and squeeze all the juices out. You'll end up with a dry, chewy, mess
But, fast cook it to Medium-rare and you've got yourself a great, tasty, little Minute steak.
Moderately tender, with a medium texture
Best with dry heat. Cook from Medium-rare to Medium